Современные публикации

Современные публикации

After the Battle. «The Reich Chancellery and the Berlin Bunker Then and Now.» 61 (1988).

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Breitman, Richard, and Shlomo Aronson. “The End of the Final Solution? Nazi Plans to Ransom Jews 1944–1945.” Central European History 25, no. 2 (1992).

Calbarro, Juan Luis. “ Vida y leyenda de Gustav Winter.” Historia 16, April-May (2005).

Gerassi, Marysa Navarro. “Argentine Nationalism of the Right.” Studies in Comparative International Development 1, no. 12 (1965).

Guyatt, David. “Princes of Plunder.” Nexus 12, no. 2 (2005).

Hindley, Meredith. “Negotiating the Boundary of Unconditional Surrender: The War Refugee Board in Sweden and Nazi Proposals to Ransom Jews 1944–1945.” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 10, no. 1 (1996).

Hodel, Georg. “Evita, the Swiss and the Nazis.” iF Magazine, January 7, 1999.

Jordan, Jonathan W. “Operation Bagration: Soviet Offensive of 1944.” World War II, July-August 2006.

Kippax, Steven. “Hitler’s Special Forces.” Military Illustrated 155 (2001).

Nбcher, Enrique. “La Leyenda de Gustav Winter: їEspНa nazi en Fuerteventura?” Historia 16, April-May 2005. http://hispanismo.org/reino-de-las-canarias/5643-la-leyenda-de-gustav-winter-espia-nazi-en-fuerteventura.html.

Nash, Elizabeth. “Germans Helped Franco Run Civil War Death Camps.” London Independent, February 22, 2002. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/germans-helped-franco-run-civil-war-death-camps-661623.html.

Przekrуj. “Hitler’s Valley in Argentina.” March 1995.

Sullivan, Geoff, and Frode Weierud. “Breaking German Army Ciphers.” Cryptologia 29, July 2005. http://www.dean.usma.edu/math/pubs/cryprologia/.

Tyas, Stephen. “British Intelligence and the Nazi Recruit.” History Today 54 (2004). http://www.historytoday.com/stephen-tyas/british-intelligence-and-nazi-recruit.

Whitlock, Greg. “Alois Hudal: Clero-Fascist Nietzsche Critic.” Nietzsche-Studien 32 (2003).

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