Глава 27. Научный эксперимент
Глава 27. Научный эксперимент
1. Clay Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2003).
2. Steven Chu autobiography, Nobel Prize Web site.
3. Interviews with Raymond Orbachand John Tully.
4. Chu autobiography, Nobel Prize Web site.
5. Vernon W. Ruttan, Is War Necessary for Economic Growth?: Military Procurement and Technology Development (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), pp. 21–27.
6. Robert Solow, “Growth and After,” Nobel Prize lecture, November 18, 1987; Steven Koonin, “From Energy Innovation to Energy Transformation,” pp. 4, 8–10 (scrubbers); MIT Energy Initiative, The Future of Natural Gas: Interim Report (Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2010) (coal bed methane).
7. DOE, “DOE Nobel Laureates” and “Laboratories,” U. S. Department of Energy.
8. Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, Task Force on Strategic Energy R& D, Energy R&D: Shaping Our Nation’s Future in a Competitive World (Washington, DC: GPO, 1995), p. 1 (“deficit”); Kelly Gallagher, Ambuj Sagar, Diane Segal, Paul de Sa, and John P. Holdren, “DOE Budget Authority for Energy, Research, Development, and Demonstration Database,” Ending the Energy Stalemate: A Bipartisan Strategy to Meet America’s Energy Challenges (Washington, DC: National Commission on Energy Policy, 2004) (low point).
9. Interview with William Draper III, Commanding Heights, PBS; New York Times, June 26, 1989 (“adventure capital”).
10. Spencer E. Ante, Creative Capital: Georges Doriot and the Birth of Venture Capital (Boston: Harvard Business Press, 2008), pp. 80–88, 198.
11. Interview with Samuel Bodman; Ante, Creative Capital, pp. 109, 126 (“peaceful life”), 198; Charter of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at http://libraries.mit.edu/archives/mithistory/charter.html.
12. David Packard, The HP Way (New York: Collins Business Essentials, 1995), p. 22.
13. Tom Perkins, Valley Boy: The Education of Tom Perkins (New York: Gotham Books, 2007); interview with Ray Lane.
14. Interview with Nancy Floyd.
15. Interview with Ira Ehrenpreis.
16. Interview with Ray Lane; Kleiner Perkins, “MoneyTree Report,” PricewaterhouseCoopers, January 21, 2011, at https://www.pwcmoneytree.com/MTPublic/ ns/moneytree/filesource/exhibits/10Q4MTRelease_FINAL.pdf.
17. Interview with Robert Metcalfe; Susan Hockfield, Inaugural Address, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 6, 2005, at http://web.mit.edu/hockfield/speeches/2005-inaugural-address.html.
18. Steven Koonin, “From Energy Innovation to Energy Transformation,” p. 6 (“decades”); interviews with Ray Lane and Ernest Moniz.
19. Steven Chu, speech, CERAWeek, March9, 2010; interview with Matt Rogers; U. S. Secretary of Energy Advisory Board Meeting, TK, p. 16 (“rolling the dice”); President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Accelerating the Pace of Change in Energy Technologies Through an Integrated Federal Energy Policy (Washington, DC: Office of the President, 2010), pp. 3–5.
20. President’s Council of Advisors, Accelerating the Pace of Change in Energy Technologies through an Integrated Federal Energy Policy, pp. 13–14 (comparative funding). ARPA-E was proposed in the influential National Academies: report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2007).
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