Щедрое начало века: 1900–1909

Bayer, Patricia, and Waller, Mark, The Art of Renй Lalique, Book Sales, 1996.

Coleman, Elizabeth Ann, The Opulent Era: Fashions of Worth, Doucet and Pingat, Thames & Hudson, 1989.

Hattersley, Roy, The Edwardians: Biography of the Edwardian Age, Abacus, 2006.

Ledger, Sally, and Luckhurst, Roger (eds), The Fin de Si?cle: A Reader in Cultural History, Oxford University Press, 2000.

Mesch, Rachel, Having It All in the Belle Epoque: How French Womens Magazines Invented the Modern Woman, Stanford University Press, 2013.


О воздушных шарах фирмы Gosnell: John Gosnell, Through the Fragrant Years: A History of the House of Gosnell, Gosnell (John) and Co., 1947.

Об ароматизированных товарах Rimmel: Eugene Rimmel, Rimmels Perfume Vaporizer for Diffusing the Fragrance of Flowers in Apartments, Ball Rooms etc., [1865?]; Eugene Rimmel, Recollections of the Paris Exhibition of 1867, Chapman and Hall, 1868.

О кольцах с парфюмом от Piesse & Lubin: Edward McDermott, The International Exhibition 1862: The Illustrated Catalogue of the Industrial Department, Volume 1: British Division 1, Cambridge University Press, 2014.

О том, как шили ароматизированные саше см.: «A Christmas of Perfumes and Sachets», Chicago Daily Tribune, 20 December 1903.

Подробнее об использовании иононов в парфюмерии: http://perfumeshrine.blogspot.co.uk/2011/02/perfumery-materials-violetviolet-leaf.html, посещение 6 Maя 2015 г.

О сборе урожая роз: «The Poetry of Perfume», Vogue, American edition, 1906.


О Чарльзе Дане Гибсоне и девушках Гибсона: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/gibson-girls-america/index.html, посещение 24 апреля 2015 г.

О Всемирной выставке 1900 года: Alexander C.T. Geppert, Fleeting Cities: Imperial Expositions in Fin-de-Si?cle Europe, Palgrave, 2010; Guidecommode indicateur de lExposition universelle de 1900, L. Joly [1900?]; Richard D. Mandell, Paris 1900: The Worlds Great Fair, University of Toronto Press, 1967; Melanie Paquette Widmann, 212 Days – The Paris Exposition of 1900, CTG Publishing, 2013.

О золотой леди на этикетке: «Beauty Business», Vogue, American edition, November 1934.


О сложностях отношения к этому парфюму: http://www.mimifroufrou.com/scentedsalamander/2010/03/the_popularity_of_clover_aroma.html, посещение 11 мая 2015 г.

Об этикете позднего викторианского периода и нравах общества: Gertrude Elizabeth Blood, Etiquette of Good Society, Cassell and Co., 1893; Lady Troubridge, The Book of Etiquette, The World’s Work Ltd, 1913.

О популярности амилсалицилата и Le Tr?fle Incarnat: The Spatula Magazine, Volume 16, 1909; The National Druggist, Volume 38, 1908.

Berta Ruck, Miss Millions Maid: A Romance of Love and Fortune, Hutchinson & Co., 1915.

Compton Mackenzie, Carnival, Martin Secker, 1912.

Agnes Castle, Diamonds Cut Paste, John Murray, 1909.


история каталога Sears, Roebuck в американской культуре: David L. Cohn, The Good Old Days: A History of American Morals and Manners as Seen Through the Sears, Roebuck Catalogs 1905 to the Present, Simon and Schuster, 1940.

Исторические каталоги Sears, Roebuck and Co., 1896–1900: http://search.ancestry.co.uk/search/db.aspx?dbid=1670, посещение 28 апреля 2015 г.

О влиянии американских железных дорог: Richard Saunders, Merging Lines: American Railroads, 1900–1970, 2nd edn, Northern Illinois University Press, 2001.


Иллюстрация «An Exquisite Alias Dandy in Distress» [1819?] любезно предоставлена Lewis Walpole Library: http://images.library.yale.edu/walpoleweb/oneitem.asp?imegeId=1w1pri2017, посещение 28 апреля 2015 г.


Об истории универмагов: Robert Hendrickson, The Grand Emporiums: The Illustrated History of Americas Great Department Stores, Stein and Day, c. 1979; Jan Whitaker, The Department Store: History, Design, Display, Thames & Hudson, 2011; Lindy Woodhead, Shopping, Seduction & Mr Selfridge, Profile, 2012.

Упоминание о фонтане с фиалковой водой: ?mile Zola, Au Bonheur des Dames, Charpentier, 1883.

Об истории Франсуа Коти и его парфюмерном бизнесе: Roulhac B. Toledano and Elizabeth Z. Coty, Fran?ois Coty: Fragrance, Power, Money, Pelican, 2009.

Ранняя реклама парфюмов Coty в США: The Salt Lake Herald, 16 March 1905.

О наследии Coty: http://graindemusc.blogspot.co.uk/2008/08/Cotylorigan-lheure-bleue-without-blues.html, посещение 6 мая 2015 г.


Об ориентализме в торговле: William Leach, Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture, Vintage, 1994.

Virginia Lea, “Sweet Odors’, Vogue, American edition, June 1899.

Издания журнала Physical Culture: http://libx.bsu.edu/cdm/search/collection/PhyCul, accessed 28 April 2015.

Bernarr Macfadden, The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood: How Developed, How Lost; How Regained, Physical Culture Publishing, 1900.


О неизменном интересе к Помпеям: Judith Harris, Pompeii Awakened: A Story of Rediscovery, I.B. Tauris, 2007; Ingrid D. Rowland, From Pompeii: The Afterlife of a Roman Town, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014.

О парфюмах L.T. Piver на теплоходе SS Republic: http://odysseysvirtualmuseum.com/categories/SS-Republic/Artifacts/Bottles/Cosmetics/?sort=featured&page=1, посещение 7 мая 2015.

О традиции худу: Katrina Hazzard-Donald, Mojo Workin: The Old African American Hoodoo System, University of Illinois Press, 2013.

Примеры использования Pompeia в ритуале худу: Ray T. Malbrough, Hoodoo Mysteries: Folk Magic, Mysticism & Rituals, Llewellyn Publications, 2003; Kenaz Filan, Vodou Money Magic: The Way to Prosperity through the Blessings of the Lwa, Destiny Books, 2010.


Исторические каталоги California Perfume Company: the Avon Historical Archive at the Hagley Library, at: http://digital.hagley.org/cdm/search/collection/p15017coll20, посещение 28 апреля 2015 г.


О рецептах Peau d’Espagne девятнадцатого века: G.W. Septimus Piesse, The Art of Perfumery and Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants, Lindsay and Blakiston, 1857.

Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex: Sexual Selection in Man, 1927.

Анализ Peau d’Espagne в декадентской поэзии: Catherine Maxwell, «Scents and Sensibility: The Fragrance of Decadence», Jason

David Hall and Alex Murray (eds.), Decadent Poetics: Literature and Form at the British Fin de Siecle, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

James Joyce, Ulysses, Sylvia Beach, 1922.

O. Henry, «Past One at Rooney’s», Strictly Business: More Stories of the Four Million, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1910.