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Computer Forensics for Dummies

by Linda Volonino and Reynaldo Anzaldua

Fight Back: A Woman’s Guide to Self-Defense that Works

by Loren W. Christensen and Lisa Place

A Guide for Interviewing Children: Essential Skills for Counselors,

Police, Lawyers and Social Workers

by J. Clare Wilson, and Martine Powell

I Know You Are Lying: Detecting Deception through Statement Analysis

by Mark McClish

Interviewing Children and Adolescents

by James Morrison and Thomas Anders

Introduction to Criminal Investigation

Edited by Michael L. Birzer and Cliff Roberson

Nonverbal Behavior in the Martial Arts

by Nate Gordon

Not My Kid: A Parent’s Guide to Kids and Drugs

by Beth Polson and Miller Newton, Ph.D.

Preventing and Detecting Employee Theft and

Embezzlement: A Practical Guide

by Stephen Pedneaultz

Solving Employee Theft: New Insights, New Tactics

by James W. Bassett

Spy the Lie

by Philip Houston, Mike Floyd, and Susan Carnicero

What Every Body Is Saying

by Joe Navarro