В период описываемых в книге событий

В период описываемых в книге событий

The Associated Press, Moscow, February 1, 1944.

The Associared Press, London, July 25, 1944.

The Associated Press, «An East Coast Port,» published in the Deseret [Utah] News, January 8, 1945.

The Associated Press, “RAF’s Jets Slash German Airfield,” London, published in the New York Times, April 24, 1945. http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40ElFF B3C5F1B7B93C7AB178FD85F418485F9.

The Associated Press, Madrid, May 2, 1945.

The Associated Press, Donostia-San Sebastiбn, May 8, 1945.

The Associated Press, Stockholm, May 8, 1945.

The Associated Press, “With the British Second Army,” May 8, 1945.

The Associated Press, Madrid, May 25, 1945.

Eddy Gilmore, The Associated Press, “Reds Believe Hitler Alive,” Berlin, June 9, 1945, published in the Herald-Journal, June 10, 1945. http://news.google.com/newspapers? id=DV8sAAAAIBAJ&sjid=_soEAAAAIBAJ&pg=4259,3091076&dq=hitler+eddy +gilmore&hl=en.

The Associated Press, Travemьnde, June 16, 1945 (delayed dispatch).

The Associated Press, Moscow, June 16, 1945.

The Associated Press, Moscow, June 27, 1945.

The Associated Press, Montevideo, August 18, 1945.

The Associated Press, Oslo, August 25, 1945.

The Associated Press, “Is Hitler Alive?” Indian Express, October 14, 1945. http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=orI-AAAAIBAJ&sjid=SEwMAAAAIBAJ&pg=4222,1007385&dq=eisenhower+hitler+alive&hl=en.

The Associated Press, Berlin, October 17, 1945.

The Associated Press, “Americans Find Treasure Chest of Eva Braun,” Frankfurt, published in St. Petersburg Times on November 16, 1945. http://news.google.com/ newspapers?id=gBIwAAAAIBAJ&sjid=pE4DAAAAIBAJ&pg=4925,2133570&dq= eva+braun%27s+treasure-chest&hl=en.

The Associated Press, Washington, DC, April 27, 1946.

The Associated Press, Nuremberg, July 29, 1946.

The Associated Press, Munich, October 7, 1946.

The Associated Press, “Flier Claims Hitler Escaped,” Warsaw, December 18, 1947. http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=hSNPAAAAIBAJ&sjid=504DAAAAIBAJ&pg=4258,4339256&dq=baumgart+hitler+warsaw&hl=en.

The Associated Press, “Luftwaffe Pilot Sent to Gaol for Five Years,” Warsaw, August 8, 1949, published in Canberra Times, August 9, 1949. http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/page/690899.

Berliner Morgenpost, October 5, 1944.

British United Press, Hamburg, March 13, 1946.

Daily Express, London, June 19, 1945.

Der Spiegel. “Hitler.” July 18, 1966. http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-46407960.html.

International News Service, Srockholm, June 11, 1945.

Keely, Charles. “Peronism Still Strong in Argentina.” Copley News Service, Buenos Aires, December 5, 1964, reprinted in the News and Courier, Charleston, South Carolina, December 6, 1964.

La Prensa, Buenos Aires, August 20, 1945.

Newman, Joseph. “Two Mystery Figures Landed by U-boat.” New York Herald-Tribune, Buenos Aires, July 14, 1945.

New York Times. “Robot Bomb Attacks Here Held ‘Probable’ by Admiral.” January 8, 1945. http ://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FAOC 16F93A5C1B7B93CBA 9178AD85F41848 5F9&scp=2&sq=V-1&st=p.

North American Newspaper Alliance, interview with Eva Braun’s mother, February 18, 1946.

North American Newspaper Alliance, New York, March 3, 1947.

Pearson, Drew. Syndicated column. July 24, 1945.

Pearson, Drew. “Washington Merry-Go-Round.” Bell Syndicate, December 15, 1943.

Reuters, Bad Godesburg, Rhineland, January 19, 1946; published in the Baltimore Sun, January 20, 1946.

Ross, Stanley. “U-Boats Base Spy Surge in Latin America.” Overseas News Agency. Christian Science Monitor, January 24, 1945.

Sunday Chronicle, London, June 17, 1945.

Telegraph Herald. “Claim Nazi Officials Arrive in Spain.” June 21, 1945. http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=XidiAAAAIBAJ&sjid=OXYNAAAAIBAJ&pg=4599,2831598&dq=hitler-in-spain&hl=en.

United Press, Berlin. “Hitler May Have Fled with Bride Before Fall of Berlin.” Miami Daily News, June 10, 1945. http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=qE8yAAAAIBAJ&sjid=yecFAAAAIBAJ&pg=2861,2346002&dq=hitler+fled+berlin+zhukov&hl=en.

United Press, Stockholm, June 11, 1945.

United Press, Rio de Janeiro, October 20, 1945.

United Press, Warsaw. “Hitler Escaped in U-Boat, Says German Pilot,” December 12, 1947, published in St. Petersburg Times, December 13, 1947. http://news.google.com/ newspapers?id=fyNPAAAAIBAJ&sjid=504DAAAAIBAJ&pg=4293,888260&dq=h itler-escaped-in-u-boat-says-germanpilot&hl=en.

United Press, Bonn, August 28, 1953.

Walter Winchell, syndicated column, October 26, 1944.

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