Элегантные пятидесятые: 1950–1959

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Abrams, Nathan, and Hughes, Julie, Containing America: Cultural Production and Consumption in 50s America, Bloomsbury Academic, 2005.

Jones, Darryl et al. (eds), It Came from the 1950s! Popular Culture, Popular Anxieties, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

Mort, Frank, Capital Affairs: London and the Making of the Permissive Society, Yale University Press, 2010.

Palmer, Alexandra, Couture and Commerce: The Transatlantic Fashion Trade in the 1950s, University of British Columbia Press, 2001.

Reed, Paula, Fifty Fashion Looks that Changed the 1950s, Conran, 2012.

Spigel, Lynn, Welcome to the Dreamhouse: Popular Media and Postwar Suburbs, Duke University Press, 2001.

О росте расходов на рекламу: http://adage.com/article/adageencyclopedia/history-1950s/98701/, посещение 2 мая 2015 г.

The Economist, 21 April 1956, cited in Elizabeth Wilson, Women and the Welfare State, Routledge, 2002.


Реклама парфюмов Prince Matchabelli в Spokane Daily Chronicle, 20 December 1957.


«Glove Etiquette, compliments of Paris Gloves», at: http://www.retrowaste.com/1950s/fashion-in-the-1950s/1950s-gloves-etiquette-styles-trendspictures/, посещение 2 мая 2015 г.

Pierre Balmain, My Years and Seasons, Cassell, 1964.


О росте пригородов в Америке в 1950-е годы: Dianne Harris, Second Suburb: Levittown, Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010.

О бытовой технике 1950-х годов: Diane Boucher, The 1950s American Home, Shire, 2013; Kathryn Ferry, The 1950s Kitchen, Shire, 2011.


Hal Boyle, “Big City Cocktail Party Great Place for Study of Animal Life!”, Moberly Monitor-Index, 26 September 1953.

Анализ Леса Бакстера и музыкальных трендов: Philip Hayward, Widening the Horizon: Exoticism in Post-War Popular Music, John Libbey Publishing, 1997.

Об этикете коктейльных вечеринок: Joseph Russell Lynes, A Surfeit of Honey: On Contemporary American Manners and Customs, Harper, 1957.

Paul Gauguin, Noa Noa: The Tahitian Journal, trans. O.F. Theis, Nicholas L. Brown, 1919.

Helen Rubinstein advertisement for Noa Noa, featured in Vogue, American edition, 15 November 1954.

June Owen, “New Party Service Features Everything That’s Hawaiian, New York Times, 9 June 1955.


Об истории британского общества в 1950-х годах: David Kynaston, Family Britain, 1951—57 (Tales of a New Jerusalem), Bloomsbury, 2010; Virginia Nicholson, Perfect Wives in Ideal Homes: The Story of Women in the 1950s, Viking, 2015.


Об увеличении количества автомобилей в Британии: http://www.vads.ac.uk/learning/designingbritain/html/crd_cultrev.html, посещение 2 мая 2015 г.

Об истории Юлиуса Саманна: Hilary Greenbaum and Dana Rubinstein, “Who Made Those Little Trees Air Fresheners?”, New York Times Magazine, 2 March 2012.

Об исках компании Car-Freshner в отношении конкурентов: http://www.worldipreview.com/article/norway-court-rules-in-air-freshener-case, посещение 11 мая 2015 г.

John Cheever, «The Chimera», The New Yorker, 1 July 1961.


«Vogue’s Perfume Coloring Book», Vogue, American edition, 15 November 1962.

George Gobel, “How to Take Command at the Perfume Counter”, Vogue, American edition, December 1957.

Советы мужьям при покупке парфюма: «Perfume Investment Guide for Men», Vogue, American edition, December 1958.

О жизни Кристиана Диора: Marie France Pochna, Christian Dior: The Man Who Made the World Look New, Arcade Publishing, 1996.


Rona Jaffe, The Best of Everything, Simon & Schuster, 1958.

Catherine Finerty, “Different Women After Five. Fragrance Is What They Remember You By”, Charm, October 1954.

Helen Gurley Brown, Sex and the Single Girl, B. Geis Associates, 1962.

Max Factor advertisement for Hypnotique, c. 1960, at: http://www.parfumo.net/Perfumes/Max-Factor/Hypnotique, посещение 13 июля 2015 г.

Max Factor advertisement for Hypnotique, featured in The Raleigh Register, 3 November 1958.

О феномене Брайди Мерфи: Herbert Brean, “Bridey Murphy Puts Nation in a Hypnotizzy”, LIFE, 19 March 1956.


Об искусстве и условностях приключенческих журналов: Max Allan Collins et al., Mens Adventure Magazines in Postwar America: The Rich Oberg Collection, Taschen, 2008; Adam Parfrey, Its a Mans World: Mens Adventure Magazines – The Postwar Pulps, Feral House, 2002.

Более подробно о мужественности: David M. Earle, All Man!: Hemingway, 1950s Mens Magazines, and the Masculine Persona, Kent State University Press, 2009.

Clint Dunathan, «Good Evening», The Escanaba Daily Press, 11 April 1949.

C. Patrick Thompson, «The Perfumed Age», Britannia and Eve, March 1949.